My vision is to show women the forgotten knowledge of what it is to truly be a woman through all her cycles. Im here as a wisdom keeper, healer and mother to bridge the gap of patrical care and holistic women centred care. The process of which is done through feeling the gaps - being there when you truly need it. Unlocking the mysteries of your menstrual cycle to achieve a sense of inner harmony (say hello to loving your cycle!), being there through the journy of conception, to reach your dreams of parent hood, and further more following you through to your postpartum to be there for your initiation into motherhood - matrecense - Im a doula for all your cycles, a healer for the womb, a nuturer and a nourisher. My vision is to show you the full potential of all your cycles - menstruation, conception, birth and postpartum - the rites of womenhood should not be shoved to the way side and buried deep like a horrible secret.

Massage and Energy work

Immerse yourself in a sound healing session, feel energetically aligned from a chakra balancing session, enjoy the detoxifying and releasing powers of a fire cupping massage or for our pregnant mamas relax and let your aches melt away with a massage specific to pregnancy.

Traditional Postpartum

feeling called to more in your postpartum? As a traditional postpartum doula I centre my care towards the mother, I am here to hold her emotionally, nourish her nutritionally, nurture her physically through alternative therapies and traditional methods (belly binding, closing of the bones ect) and honour her through ceremonies.

I bring a calming sacredness to the whirl wind of postpartum.

Menstruation and Fertility

As one of the few certified menstrual cycle coaches in the world as well as a fertility practitioner, I specialise in taking a holistic approach in healing your menstrual cycle and preparing you for your conception journey. Balancing both the scientific with the shamanic to heal and facilitate your healing journey in which you might have been prescribed medication for previously. Perfect for any woman at any stage of there life - bleed or no bleed, ready to conceive or a future dream.

Return to ritual. Enquire to have Hailey hold your next Mother Blessing or Postpartum Healing Session.


Practitioner Hailey - Menstrual cycle workshop